Watermelon Dried Flower Bouquet


Sweet and pretty. Perfectly imperfect blossoms in watermelon pinks.

Beautifully curated dried and preserved blossoms that include stirliniga, ruscus, babies breath, bunny tails, billy button, handmade sola flowers, hydrangea and bottle brush blossom. Comes gorgeously wrapped finished with satin ribbon.

Upgrade your order to include a posy vase ($10) to hug your blossoms.

SIZE: Height 40cm / Width  20-23 cm approx.

Styling Tip: leave jute tie around blossoms, trim stems if needed and pop into vase. Easy!

Delivery Method
*Pickup Bundoora
*Local hand delivery
*Australia Wide Shipping

Ask here hello@blossomandme.com.au

3 in stock

Lets make it fancy.

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